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About Purchasing Services

Purchasing Services provides management, oversight, and facilitation of all University of Minnesota purchasing processes to insure integrity, economy, efficiency, and accountability. We provide sourcing, bidding, and troubleshooting assistance to all University of Minnesota colleges and departments. It is our responsibility to ensure that University of Minnesota stakeholders (general business community, targeted group businesses, citizens of Minnesota, etc.) are considered in all purchasing policies and practices.

Purchasing Services is also responsible for supplier maintenance, central accounts payable, U Travel and business expenses,  the PCard and Travel Card programs, and the PrePaid Debit Card program (aka ClinCard) which is a fast and safe payment method for paying study participants. Purchasing Services co-owns U Market, the first place departments should visit to purchase commonly used goods and services.

Meet the team of employees in Purchasing Services.

Three preferred ways to purchase goods/services:

Purchasing 101 information intended for new faculty and staff who want to know more about purchasing at the University of Minnesota.

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Prohibition on the Use of Certain Telecommunications and Surveillance Equipment and Services

University of Minnesota employees must not procure telecommunications equipment or services for installation, integration, or use in the University’s IT/telecommunications systems from any of the companies covered by Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2019.

Legal Background

Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2019, Pub. L. No. 115-232 (NDAA), created a general prohibition on federal contracting with entities that use telecommunications and surveillance equipment manufactured by certain companies that Congress has determined represent a threat to secure communications. The U.S. Government has implemented this prohibition via procurement and grant regulations (see Federal Acquisition Regulations clauses 52.204-2452.204-25, and 52.204-26, as well as section 200.216 of the Uniform Guidance). Because the University of Minnesota is a federal contractor and grantee, it must not use covered equipment or services as a component or part of its systems in violation of Section 889 and the applicable regulations.

Detailed Requirements

Section 889 of the NDAA governs, in pertinent part, the use of “covered telecommunications equipment or services.” Such equipment or services must not be used “as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as a critical technology as part of any system.”

The phrase “covered telecommunications equipment or services” encompasses:

  • Telecommunications equipment produced by—
    • Huawei Technologies Company,
    • ZTE Corporation, or
    • any subsidiary or affiliate of these organizations;
  • Video surveillance and telecommunications equipment produced by—
    • Hytera Communications Corporation,
    • Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company,
    • Dahua Technology Company, or
    • any subsidiary or affiliate of these organizations; and
  • Telecommunications or video surveillance services provided by such entities or using such equipment.

A provisional list for University personnel only of identified subsidiaries and affiliates of these five companies is available. The list may not be shared outside the University. Contact [email protected] from your official University of Minnesota email account and specify that you would like a copy of the "Section899 spreadsheet."

Any University personnel who become aware of covered telecommunications equipment from a covered company being used as a part of University systems should contact the Export Controls Office immediately. The Export Controls Officer will coordinate with the local unit, the Office of Information Technology, and University Information Security to determine whether replacement and other remedial actions are appropriate.

Contact Information

Please do not hesitate to contact the Export Controls Officer or the Senior Director for Infrastructure and Production in the Office of Information Technology with any questions about Section 889 generally or this webpage specifically.

Making the Most Common Purchases

Use this summary to understand the basics of your purchase decision. Additional information about each purchasing method can be found on the Policies/Processes page. Employees involved in departmental purchasing are expected to fully read and adhere to all departmental, sponsored, and University policies. Do NOT sign or agree to a supplier’s Terms and Conditions. Because the University is a constitutional function of the State of Minnesota, certain laws and regulations apply to our contracts that do not apply to other customers, so insist on using the University’s Terms and Conditions. Additional information about contracts can be found in the University’s Policy on Entering into Contracts.

Refer to the Making the Most Common Purchases Guide as a general resource.

Supplier Diversity & Sustainability

Supplier Diversity

The mission of the University's Office for Supplier Diversity (formerly Business & Community Economic Development, BCED) is to contribute to the economic growth, development and prosperity of Minnesota’s urban communities. The Office for Supplier Diversity is a social enterprise whose purpose is to leverage the assets and resources of the University to create programs and services that provide innovative solutions to real-world social-economic problems that impact urban communities. More importantly, the department is a critical component of the University’s public service and outreach mission and its role is to create economic and community development strategies that drive the University’s Urban Agenda. The Office for Supplier Diversity facilitates collaborations between the University and nonprofit, corporate and public sector partners that focus on enhancing the human condition of underserved populations. Additional information can be found on the University's Office for Supplier Diversity website.


The University's Office of Sustainability, and its educational campaign "It All Adds Up," provides direction and coordination for sustainability initiatives by bringing forth their continuous effort of integrating environmental, social and economic goals through design, planning, and operational organization. The goal is to create a culture of sustainable practices, with a commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2050 through inclusive projects, cross-campus planning, partnerships, and working with the greater community. Additional information can be found on the University's Office of Sustainability website.

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